
Monday 7 December 2015

fired me

one of the reason why i didn't update my blog is because my A touchkeyboard is gone (tebuka tekupas).

i'm so stressed right now because my boss told me that she will fired me if i don't show any improvement and change my attitude. Seriously Boss i'm totally give my 100% working but you still can said like that. i'm totally dissapointed and i want to curse you badly but sabar saja lah. okay 1 month u gave me ( kasi berenti lah bha. like i care (actually i care) huhuhu. i don't have and problem working there but the problem is my Boss . she's terlalu cepat judge orang. haiyaaa..

jangan lah bah fired me. Please. stressed ouh sy pasal ini.


Sunday 25 October 2015


everytime i start to chat with you, you ruined it. -----______-----

did u know that i miss u when u gone.

but its useless crush will stay as a crush forever

my working life be like....

Im thinking of berhenti kerja . Why? because im so tired working, memang lah kan kerja apa yang tidak penat kan, but if kerja penat but gaji rendah? apalah tu..  pertama kali saya mula kerja satu saja i want to find and it is experience but lama-lama im kinda concern about my salary our salary because kami punya kerja sangat memenatkan. dan pengurusan dia pun pandai sot kadang-kadang. im very very emotional about this. huh. 

and now my friends allready lebih kurang resign lah kan tu cuti tanpa gaji personal problem. jadi bolehkah sy kerja tanpa dia? i don't know. we'll see tomorrow. hurmmm.. i want to find other job but i don't know maybe i m to lazy or what.

Sunday 11 October 2015

short update


yeah one month and 8 days bergelar seorang cikgu taska.

hebat. And i allready received my first GAJI. 

okay itu seja

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Short update

Hiiiiii (excited )

How are u guys? Did u really reading my blog?

But why? Hahah okay im just asking.

Huh! Sorry for this lame update because im very busy.

Busy working (finally) can't wait to receive my first "gaji" aiseyman

Gtg everybody . 

Take care and God bless :)

Saturday 15 August 2015

Well hello there.

Saya masih disini memikirkan masa depan

Yang mugkin ada mungkin tiada

Tapi usaha itu penting kan?

Doa kan saya okay 😄

P/s: Kenapa bm+sabahan sia punya post hari ni
Sebab sy check yg p tingu blog sy dari overseas dan itu sangat bikin takut. Till then sayonara