
Sunday 25 October 2015


everytime i start to chat with you, you ruined it. -----______-----

did u know that i miss u when u gone.

but its useless crush will stay as a crush forever

my working life be like....

Im thinking of berhenti kerja . Why? because im so tired working, memang lah kan kerja apa yang tidak penat kan, but if kerja penat but gaji rendah? apalah tu..  pertama kali saya mula kerja satu saja i want to find and it is experience but lama-lama im kinda concern about my salary our salary because kami punya kerja sangat memenatkan. dan pengurusan dia pun pandai sot kadang-kadang. im very very emotional about this. huh. 

and now my friends allready lebih kurang resign lah kan tu cuti tanpa gaji personal problem. jadi bolehkah sy kerja tanpa dia? i don't know. we'll see tomorrow. hurmmm.. i want to find other job but i don't know maybe i m to lazy or what.

Sunday 11 October 2015

short update


yeah one month and 8 days bergelar seorang cikgu taska.

hebat. And i allready received my first GAJI. 

okay itu seja